Monday, February 12, 2007


Queue Psychology

Queues are a part of everyones life. It is very important for Emergency Services, such as the Police, Fire Brigade or Ambulance, to avoid queues in order to save someones life. There are three types of queues: combined queue, multi-queue and single queue. In mult-queue system you can jump from lane to lane and not get stuck in the queue. In a combined queue, there's one queue and several servers so there is one great advantage of a combined queue - you don't get the "Slip Skip" phenomenon. Single queue guarantees that the first person in, is the first person served. People hate "empty time", so sometimes people leave queues after waiting for some time. For this for instance, in New York, the Manhattan Savings Bank is live entertainment - usually music. These facts of queue psychology let us to choose how to behave in situations related to queues.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Yeah.. I like it.. :)

There are three things I like the most: firstly, Chuck Norris, second - David Hassellhoff, third - Psychology. Now I am going to empasize the last thing - psychology because I am studying it and I hope to become a great psychologist in the nearest future. I chose this specialization because of its wide latitude. So there I am going to publish my ideas about the issues I am keen on.

In the nearest future I am going to review these topics:
1. Thinking and Reasoning
2. Problem solving
3. Language

1. What is Intelligence?
2. Variations in Intellectual Ability
3. Group Differences in Intelligence

1. Approaches to Motivation
2. Human Needs and Motivation
3. Understanding Emotional Experiences

1. Major Approaches to Personality
2. Assessing Personality
3. Exploring Diversity