Saturday, March 17, 2007


Laziness is the lack of desire to act or work in general to do an act or work that is expected of a person. In extreme cases, a tendency to do nothing can grow into apathy and be a symptom of depression. Laziness can be considered an exaggeration of the natural instinct to get healthy rest and conserve preciuos energy. Laziness is usually associated with procrastination. Moreover, laziness is considered by Christians to be one of the seven deadly sins, though it is called sloth on the list.

The expression "intellectual laziness" is frequently used to describe a tendency to not ask questions and not to scratch too much behind the apparent, applying a kind of mental routine or just following the crowd. Jeff Atwood has said: Be lazy, but not intellectualy lazy. It means that when you are doing something you should think and know what you are doing, not just do it without understanding.

Let's take one example. According to researches, Nigeria is the most coruppt country in the world. One of the reasons is considered to be mental laziness of its leaders and majority of habitants. Most of Nigerians do not want to go through pain and suffering to attain the level of wealth they want in their life. They want to get rich at the twinkle of an eye.

Finally, I can say that we all know what laziness is, and most of us like to be lazy in their freetime, however, laziness is considered to be a negative feature, so we should try to be active in order if we want to achieve our aims.

1 comment:

psychology 01 said...

The design of the topic is really very comfortable to read, nice and clear. But the disadvantage I would mention is that the text itself is too scientific... The topic is similar to some news report. Think about it!